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ladbrokes立博中文版 participates in a wide variety of federal, 状态, 机构, 以及私人财政援助项目. These programs can be grouped into three categories: 奖助金/Gift 援助, Work-Study and 贷款. Once your FAFSA is processed and BSU awards you financial aid based on your eligibility you will receive an award letter. 

Please keep in mind that your enrollment as a student matters when you need financial aid to help pay for college. 用于经济援助目的, the term “undergraduate course-work” refers to students who are pursuing their first undergraduate degree. Enrollment levels are as follows: full time: 12 or more credits; three quarter time: 9 to 11 credits, half time: 6 to 8 credits; less than half time: 1 to 5 credits. Always reach out to the financial aid office if you are not going to be full-time. The award letters only reflect full-time and when you are below 12 credits for a semester your financial aid and billable costs reduce.

如何申请联邦学生资助       在FAFSA之后:接下来会发生什么?


If you plan on attending ladbrokes立博中文版, then you'll need to visit and fill out the FAFSA Form to apply for Federal Student 援助. The FAFSA is available on October 1st of each year and is free to complete. So long as BSU is selected as one of the colleges on your FAFSA, we'll be able to use the information you provided to determine how much aid you'll receive. 出于这个原因, it's important that the information you provide is accurate and up-to-date, 但是如果需要的话, 你可以回去做些改变.

Once you've completed the application you'll receive an award letter from BSU detailing all the 金融援助 options we're able to offer you. Generally, these options fall into three categories: 奖助金, 勤工俭学, and 贷款.

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奖助金 are a type of financial aid that is gifted to you, and generally do not need to be repaid. 奖助金 for BSU students can come from a variety of sources, 包括联邦政府, 马萨诸塞州联邦, BSU本身或私人或非营利组织. It's important to do your research on grants you are interested in, 以及他们的资格要求, as if you are unable to meet those requirements after receiving a grant, 你可能得把钱还回去. 奖助金 often don't cover the full amount of a college education, 虽然, 你可能需要额外的帮助.

了解更多关于BSU提供的助学金 »


勤工俭学 provide part-time jobs for both undergraduate and graduate students that can not only help you pay for college while you're still enrolled, but also provide valuable work experience that can help you in your future career. It's available to both full and part-time students and there are many options available to you, 无论是校内还是校外. Regardless of the field you are studying or the program you select, the hours you work cannot exceed the total amount you've been awarded, but your class schedule and academic progress will be considered when those hours are assigned to you.

了解更多关于BSU提供的勤工俭学计划 »


贷款 are different from grants and 勤工俭学 in that the money is only being borrowed, 也就是说你得还钱. 重要的是,你只借你需要的东西, because a student loan is the same as any other loan and will have to be paid back with interest. It's crucial that you do plenty of research before accepting a loan so that you understand what you are agreeing to.

BSU的学生贷款, usually come from one of three sources: the federal 政府ernment, 马萨诸塞州联邦 and private institutions, 比如银行或贷方. Federal and 状态 loans usually have more benefits than private loans, and are often more flexible. 在某些情况下, 这取决于你的职业或工作领域, 你的联邦贷款可能会被完全免除. Some benefits federal and 状态 loans often offer include:

  • Lower fixed interest rates or no interest at all (in the case of the Massachusetts No Interest Loan)
  • 定制还款计划
  • 根据收入调整贷款支付
  • 从纳税中扣除学生贷款利息
  • Consolidating eligible federal student loans into one monthly payment

了解更多关于BSU提供的贷款计划 »


大学对许多人来说是重要的一步, and there are a lot of options to help you pay for it, 但是资助, 勤工俭学, and/or scholarships may not be enough to cover the cost. 这就是学生贷款的用武之地. 获得贷款是一个重大的决定, 因为你可能需要10年甚至更长时间才能还清, so it's important to do your research and accept only what you need, 因为你需要把钱还回去, 经常带着兴趣, 一旦你毕业.

If you are borrowing, here are two tips to keep in mind:

  • The amount you need will often depend on where you're located. State schools and community colleges in located Massachusetts often cost less for residents of the 状态.
  • Get a sense of how much you could expect to make 一旦你毕业. Starting salaries vary wildly depending on your chosen field or career, so it's worthwhile to think about how much your loan will affect your finances in the future. Your loan payments should only be a small portion of your salary 一旦你毕业.

一旦你决定了你需要借多少钱, you'll need to sign a promissory note: an agreement to repay your loan. It's crucial that you keep a copy of this document for your records. 一旦到了开始偿还贷款的时候, you'll want to keep in touch with your loan servicer so you know how to make payments. Most lenders offer a variety of options to pay them back, 并且应该有办法在网上联系他们, 通过电话, or by email if you need further assistance or have any questions.



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