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Commemorating Black History Month

February offers opportunities to learn and celebrate African American culture and contributions 

Black History Month offers the opportunity to better educate people about the contributions to society African Americans have made and continue to make.  

This year’s theme for the annual month-long celebration is, “Black Excellence: A Journey to Equality.” Bridgewater State University is hosting multiple activities throughout February inspired by this theme. 

“黑卓越, 对我来说, is looking at the greatness, of all the accomplishments and contributions that African Americans have made to the world, which is not usually talked about. Especially in K-12 schools, w在这里 all you hear about regarding Black history is from the slave ships to the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.说:“ Sharon Pitterson-Ogaldez, director for intercultural student success.  

Pitterson-Ogaldez added, because of the lack of education, stereotypes have been formed.  

这是不公正的, 排除, and oppression that has happened to African Americans, that they don’t have ambition; they don’t work hard. They are often used as entertainers, whether that’s in sports, 音乐或电视, yet don’t receive rewards in an equitable way,”她说。. 

It’s through education that the narrative can change.  

“Bridgewater State is highly focused on racial equity and justice, and educating the campus community and beyond,” Pitterson-Ogaldez said. “One way we can do this, is by not focusing only on the inequalities but also on the excellent contributions and achievements of black people.’” 

Pitterson-Olgadez formed a committee made up of members from across campus and BSU affiliated groups that organized different events to be held during Black History Month to educate and inspire the BSU community.  


从2月. 1-28, Sodexo will be serving cultural cuisines in all BSU dining facilities.  

Masterclasses with Mekbul J. Tahir 

2月4日星期四. 2月9日(星期四. 23, campus community members are invited to attend a masterclass with international choreographer, 舞者, 和老师Mekbul J. 从下午3点到5点.m. 在伯内尔138A房间. 

Nubian Square Walking Tour 

Hosted by the Bridgewater State Program Council, on Saturday, Feb. 11, an off-campus Nubian Square Walking Tour will take place from 11:45 a.m. 到下午4点.m. 在洛克斯波利.  要注册,请点击 在这里 

Black History Month Banquet 

The annual BSU Black History Month banquet will be held on 星期四,2月. 下午6点到8点.m., in the RSU Large Ballroom. BSU Director for Intercultural Student Success Sharon Pitterson-Ogaldez is the keynote speaker and will discuss “Black Excellence.”  

African American Studies Five-Year Anniversary Celebration 

2月2日星期二. 从下午4点到7点.m. in the 麦克斯韦尔库 Heritage Room, the BSU African American Studies program will celebrate its fifth anniversary. 注册 在这里 

Afro Am 校友 Association Virtual Mixer 

A virtual mixer 计划 for 5:30 p.m. 2月2日星期一. 27.  联系

MRISJ Civic Speaker Series 

2月2日星期二. 28, an online discussion, “Repairing Historical Harms: A Conversation on Reparations,” 计划. 要注册,请点击 在这里. 


2月22日星期三: Horror Noire: A History of Black Horror, 1:50 p.m. 在伯内尔138A房间 

星期四,2月. 23: Pelo偏头痛, 2 p.m. 在博伊登223 

星期二,2月. 28: 只是怜悯 下午2点到4点半.m. LGCIE RSU 101室 

“It’s important that people take the initiative to first educate themselves, you can do this through reading, watching documentaries, through building relationships – positive, loving relationships with members of the African American community,” Pitterson-Ogaldez said.  

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